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date: 12.03.2017
game / squad: OnPoint DFLW
opponent: DBD / Death Before Dishonour
league: [matchlink]
maps: TDM Medium Sized Map, TDM Medium Sized Map, TDM Medium Sized Map
map result
TDM Medium Sized Map 1 : 0
TDM Medium Sized Map 1 : 0
TDM Medium Sized Map 1 : 0
total 3 : 0
.øp^ team: .øp^ shearfear, >L.w.†.š.†p
DBD team: Warlord, Shogun, Lord Rahl, StraitArrow
server: OnPoint vs DBD (Password games lobby)
hltv server:
Very good game. Unfortunately we only had 2 players so it was 2v4. However we still WON thanks to United Kingdom .øp^ shearfear and Netherlands >L.w.†.š.†p Hopefully we will be arranging another match soon! Good game guys. It's given me even more motivation to get this squad going strong! The match brought back so many memories from the past playing other squads in dflw yearsss ago. It was so much fun and a nice friendly atmosphere, the DBD members are a good sport. Well done both teams.


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A short list of recent clan wars we've had.

OnPoint DFLW vs. .dk.
OnPoint DFLW vs. [DBD]
OnPoint DFLW vs. DBD

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OnPoint DFLW
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